COVID-19 Pandemic proves to have some positive outcomes


The year 2020 brought so many new challenges for all of us, all over the world. We were all exposed to the new Coronavirus which inevitably caused us to lose an entire year of our lives. This global pandemic caused us several lives, whether it was family or friends it was something none of us ever expected. 

As perfectly said by Duke Ellington, “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” Amid the pandemic, there were several things happening behind the trouble, behind the sorrow. Whether you began a new hobby or started improving something personal, we can all say something positive came out of the pandemic. 

Crime Drops Around The World

Not only in Maryland, but around the world there has been less violence due to staying indoors. According to AP News, “Overall, Chicago’s crime declined 10 percent after the pandemic struck, a trend playing out globally as cities report stunning crime drops in the weeks since measures were put into place to slow the spread of the virus. Even among regions that have the highest levels of violence outside a war zone, fewer people are being killed and fewer robberies are taking place.” 

Due to quarantine, even rapists are staying indoors, being safe from the virus. “The U.S. virus epicenter in New York saw major crimes — murder, rape, robbery, burglary, assault, grand larceny and car theft — decrease by 12 percent from February to March. In Los Angeles, 2020 key crimes statistics were consistent with last year’s figures until the week of March 15, when they dropped by 30 percent.                    

Reduced Environmental Activity

One of the most obvious positive effects of quarantine has been a cleaner planet. With everyone now staying indoors or at home, there are less cars outside, and factories burning oils which has had a positive effect on earth. The European Space Industry has used several satellites to conclude that earth’s nitrogen dioxide levels have declined since quarantine started. “Using the Copernicus Sentinel 5-Precursor (S5P), which can detect the spectral signatures of specific gases, the ESA researchers measured global nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels that were 20 percent and 75 percent lower during the shutdown period than during the same period in 2019.” 

  More Time With The Ones You Love

Covid-19 has brought sadness, grief, and many of our loved ones lives were lost. Although not everyone is able to say the same, staying home has improved your personal relationships with your families. Throughout quarantine we may have lost contact with friends from school, but it doesn’t mean we didn’t make new ones, or have had the urge to talk with an old friend and catch up on how they’re doing! “Even if you’re not isolating with loved ones, you may feel the push to connect with friends more than ever. People are realizing how much value their interpersonal (and in-person) interactions have,” says Ryan Engelstad, L.C.S.W., therapist and coach.” Sometimes we never truly value the people in our lives until they are gone, and Covid-19 has truly shown us that in a horrific way. “Too often, we get caught up in maintaining fast-paced lifestyles and tend to neglect relationships, but the current pandemic is a great way to dedicate more time to family bonding and nourishing relationships, which ultimately benefits mental health, says Stephen Loyd, M.D., chief medical officer at JourneyPure.” Spending more time at home forces us to have a better connection with the ones we’re surrounded with, and shows us to truly appreciate what we have in our lives.