The presidential election is coming up and it’s important for everyone to be educated on who the presidential candidates are and to be educated on their background to then be able to formulate an opinion for this year’s election. It then comes to this question, who is the best fit for president?
Republican Party
Donald Trump

Donald Trump announced his campaign on Nov. 15, 2022, and has been persistent on acquiring the role as president. There have been many controversies revolving around him, especially around his legal allegations and time and time again his followers seem to always follow his words. To be frank, Trump being our only republican candidate for the upcoming election concerns most democrats and citizens alike, and for good reasons. What Trump advocates for just leads to the restriction of freedom such as the ban on abortion(Source, Source), preventing children from learning the concept of gender roles (Source), and pardoning people who participated in the Jan 6 raid on the capitol! (Source). Would not recommend.
Democratic Party
Joe Biden

Joe Biden announced he would be running for his second term as president on April 25th, 2023, and threw his hat in the presidential race, and what is there to say? Biden has been somewhat of a mediocre president, not a good one, and not a bad one, just really hands free with everything. Now what Biden advocates for his second term as president promises to keep supporting Ukrainian troops in order to push back Russia (Source), Plans to cap insulin prices to all Americans to $35 (Source), and protect social security and medicaid (Source). Biden sure does have some promises to fill and only time will time if he fulfills his promises. If things get desperate, he’s an okay vote, only if we’re desperate.
Marianne Williamson

Marianne Willamson is an author, activist, and politician. She was born in Houston Texas, she is the daughter of a WWII veteran and daughter of a community volunteer, and she is also Oprah Winfrey’s spiritual adviser (Source). Marianne announced her campaign on March 4th, 2024 and from doing a quick bit of research, she has absolutely no experience of holding political power. Marrianne has no experience of holding any office, no educational remarks, and only has high hopes for winning. That being said, she is no stranger for shooting for high offices, she has ran for two offices before, the house of representatives back in 2014, and as president back in 2020 (background). What Marrianne advocates for in her campaign is more restrictions on firearms (Source), legalization on cannabis (Source) and reducing C02 emissions (Source). She’s not bad for a vote, but it is fair to be cautious about how she has no experience holding office powers.
Third Parties
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert Kennedy Jr is the nephew of President John F. Kennedy and is the son of Robert F. Kennedy. Robert Jr was born in D.C, was the assistant district attorney of New York and has attended three highly respected universities, those being: Harvard University, University of Virginia, and Pace University. Robert Jr. announced his presidential campaign on April 5th, 2023 and doing his background research, his past is a bit bumpy. Robert stopped being a lawyer after being arrested for drug possession at a South Dakota airport. He was then charged with a felony and pleaded guilty (Source). Robert has also written a book blaming and accusing Liberals for lacking critical thinking (Source) and Robert is an active anti-vaccine activist (Source). It should also be mentioned that during Roberts presidential campaign, he was originally running for the democratic party, but on Oct 9th, transitioned towards being an independent candidate. Robert advocates for transforming the police (Source) and that’s the only significant thing research could find. Robert had such potential for being a great leader, but bad decisions, poor opinionated based research, and no experience holding any office holds him back. He is a poor choice for a vote.
Cornel West

Dr. Cornel West was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the year 1953, Cornel West is an american philosopher, historian, activist and professor. Cornel West announced his run for president on June 5th, 2023. Doing the background research, Cornel West sure has walked the walk and talked the talk. West has attended Harvard University and also enrolled into Princeton University, graduating and obtaining his master’s degree and doctorate in philosophy from Princeton. West is no stranger when it comes to American politics. West has published 20 books (18 books) and most if not all of them correlate towards political science. West was arrested ounce, protesting over the death of a black unarmed teenager that was killed by a police officer (Source), West had shown criticism towards former president Obama calling him a puppet and mascot for wall street (Source), and West had worked alongside with politician Burnie Sanders and supported Bernie throughout his presidential election cycles. West advocates for a surplus of initiatives but a few examples show him advocating for setting the minimum wage to $27 (Source), cease all funding towards Israeli forces (Source), and set Minimum wage to $80,000 for all U.S. public school teachers K-12 (Source). Y’know, with the rest of our options for president, Cornel seems very sensible and a wise choice for a vote, however, it’s recommended you actually watch interviews of Cornel West before leaping to a voting booth. A fair and good choice.
Jill Stein

Jill Stein was born in Chicago Illinois in the year 1950. Jill is an American physician and environmental activist. Jill studied and graduated from Harvard Medical School and also served as an instructor. Jill announced her campaign on Nov 6, 2023, months later after Cornel West left the Green party and transitioned towards the people’s party. Jill has been present in American politics for a good while and has ran in previous presidential campaigns, one in 2012, the other in 2016. Jill has a pretty clean track record, what Jill advocates in her campaign is the end of discrimination towards minority groups (Source), creating new foreign policies (Source), and establishing a Green new deal, focusing on the environment (Source). The background research surrounding Jill was quite refreshing to say the least and given how she’s shooting for the stars here, her heart is in the right place. It’s highly unlikely she wins, but but she’s a decent vote.
It must be mentioned that this year’s election is coming up in November and a democrat canidate is still in the process between Marianne and Biden. That being said, becoming more educated around political science is an important trait to have as these representatives we elect into high offices determine the state of our nation. If you yourself are at the legal requirement to vote, please do, as every vote does count, no matter how you view it.