Parkdale SGA fights for Homecoming after 18 months of Distance Learning

Ever since the beginning of July, Parkdale Student Government Association (SGA)  has been hard at work in order to not only keep the organization strong but make sure students at Parkdale will be engaged and energized for the new school year after almost two years of distance learning. 

As the new school year begins, homecoming, the annual event that most high school students look forward to each school year, approaches. However, due to COVID-19, some difficulties have presented themselves for Parkdale SGA to plan properly and accordingly. To properly ensure that there is enough time, administrators are the source in order to approve each element that is needed for the event(s) planned. 

Around the county, some schools have facilitated their homecoming activities to having an outdoor homecoming while some schools are not having a homecoming at all. For example , Charles Flowers Herbert High School and High Point High School will be having an outdoor Homecoming this school year meanwhile Eleanor Roosevelt High School will not have any homecoming activities other than their spirit week.

From the Student Member of the Board (SMOB) perspective , Alvaro Cerion-Ruiz has updated the Prince George’s Regional Association of Student Governments (PGRASG) members about the decision when it comes to homecoming activities this year.

“Please wait until October 1st, 2021 for official news from Dr. Monica Goldson, Dr. Marrow, and the team,” he explained. “Their meeting will be on September 30, 2021 to discuss parameters behind homecoming.”  

Although it seems to be a relief to finally gain verification, it does not help most SGA’s in the county who are trying to plan their homecoming in the beginning of October. 

While Parkdale was undetermined for the first few weeks of school about their homecoming events , PGRASG First Vice President and Parkdale SGA Executive Board Secretary Isha Sesay provided some inisght on her behalf on the approval process that SGA has to go through.

“As an Executive Board Secretary, I keep track of all of the activities and events we have planned during our SGA meetings,” said Sesay. “ I can tell you that SGA has been working extremely hard to prepare spirit week and the homecoming. We have done everything necessary to begin promoting and decorating for the events but the biggest challenge of the year is: APPROVAL!”

Sesay further explained that students do not realize that although SGA members are the student representatives of the school, they can not do as they please without approval from administration. 

“Student Government has the student body’s best interest; however, it is very hard to implement our use of power and control when the administrators keep us in the dark, ” said Sesay. “ Nothing can get done without approval and we have not gotten any to fulfill the events that spotlight Parkdale High School’s school spirit.” 

From both a SGA perspective as well as a student one, it is understandable for the students to demand to have school spirit with their homecoming activities, but also need to think about what happens behind the scenes. 

As of Thursday September 30, the official Spirit Week schedule was released.  Although there will be no homecoming dance nor Class Night–the two most anticipated events– students will be able to dress out of uniform for Spirit Week for the following days:

  • Monday: Opposite Day
  • Tuesday: Character Day
  • Wednesday: Class Color Day
  • Thursday: Throwback Day
  • Friday: Green and Gold Day