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The Student News Site of Parkdale High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Parkdale High School

The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Parkdale High School

The Paw Print

Madelynn Hampton, Reporter

Madelynn is a sophomore at Parkdale, and this is her first year as a staff member. She signed up for Journalism classes in her schedule to become part of the school newspaper. She loves to write about fun topics that interest her, including animals, music, TV shows, movies, games and even random topics that she thinks other people would enjoy to learn about. She wants to make her articles relate to the reader and be entertaining but also  funny. In her free time, she enjoys sleeping, listening to music most of the day, playing video games, and most importantly, hanging out with people she enjoys seeing. She is quiet, so if you want to talk to her, expect her to be nervous.

All content by Madelynn Hampton
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The Student News Site of Parkdale High School
Madelynn Hampton