“Sonic the Hedgehog 3”, is the latest addition to the beloved franchise of SEGA! Starring Jim Carrey as Eggman and Keanu Reeves as the voice of Shadow the Hedgehog, the movie lives up to the reputation and hype of the movies that came before. With a budget of $122 million and earning more than $400 million worldwide, the movie is not only a success but worthwhile to watch over the weekend or during your free time.
As in the previous movies, the animation never fails. From start to finish, the film is never filled with a dull moment. Action-packed scenes made it so viewers were on the edge of their seats with anticipation of what’s to come. Even during moments where there’s no action present, the animation keeps the viewers entertained by allowing them to absorb every detail on the screen. Although many fans tend to joke about the animation because of the first semi-realistic design of Sonic, many fans praise and express their gratitude for the way designs are handled.
The plot did not disappoint and the characterization did not disappoint— viewers can tell that the writers of “Sonic the Hedgehog 3” took careful consideration into the making of the movie. The film was filled with so many heartwarming scenes as there were heart-wrenching moments. The character development in the movie worked wonderfully with the pace of the plot. Sonic was Sonic, Shadow was Shadow, and Robotnik was Robotnik, the characters felt like themselves.
The comedy in the film would often leave people giggling as if they were children themselves, arguably any moment that Robotnik was on screen, stealing the spotlight from anyone else present. Other times scenes would make people shake their heads at a joke that could only be described as “in character”. Many viewers would use Sonic as an example, he would crack a joke that would leave many stone-faced but the joke would work as it is a joke only Sonic would use, hence a joke “in character”.
The message of the first movie was about being able to use a given gift or power for good, to protect and the movie incorporates that message to hold significance. The message in the second movie is about being a hero and recognizing that there is a moment when you are chosen to be a hero, not that you get to choose to be a hero as you see fit. And finally, the message in the third film is about not succumbing to pain, loss, and revenge to instead choose a path of redemption where compassion and friendship lay. The messages behind each movie beautifully aligned with the conflicts of the film. Even though there are moments to laugh, the pace of the movie makes it so viewers can quiet down when there is a moment of vulnerability. A wonderful sight to behold.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is an impeccable movie to watch with family and friends. I give it a rating of 5/5.