The National Defense Act of 1916 established organized JROTC programs at public and private educational institutions.Cadets who complete the four-year program can enlist after high school and enter recruit training at a higher rank (E-3 Private First Class instead of an E-1 Private). While JROTC is not a military-preparation program, it does have some military overtones.
During the years, Parkdale students and parents confuse the intention of JROTC, being afraid of being obligated to join the army or being the first ones to be drafted in cause an event unfolds. Our two instructors of the program have clarified the true intentions and benefits of Parkdale JROTC, with each question a student or concerned parent may have.
First Sergeant has stated how her first year here has been treating her and many ways she wants to improve the program, while our formal instructor/senior instructor talks more about what the program is actually about, stating how JROTC can improve a students course of their lives without joining the military.
“ I haven’t heard many misunderstandings with cadets about the program but many students who come in and don’t join our program have a misconception that you have to join the military due to being in the program” stated instructor, First Sergeant Walker.”There’s no obligation to join the military to be a part of JROTC.”
Colonel Rivers has deeply agreed with First Sergeant, deeply clarifying the missions that they intend to have with Cadets.

“It is an option but not an obligation. JROTC is a program for students at Parkdale, or across the county, which mainly focuses on helping and ensuring we make better citizens” said senior instructor, Colonel Rivers. “ I honestly believe that the best part of this program is building a strong bond and becoming like a family with every cadet”
They both have expressed they believe that the best part of this program isn’t just the preparation to their post-secondary, nor their teaching but more about being and building bonds with their cadets. They believe working with cadets and helping them achieve their future goals is what they enjoy doing.
“ I became an instructor because someone who I used to work with, she’s an instructor and believed I would be a good fit for the program” stated Instructor, First Sergeant Walker. “The best part of the program is working with the students, helping them achieve their goals”.
“ I honestly believe that the best part of this program is building a strong bond and becoming some form of family with every cadet,” said COL. Rivers.
Due to the misunderstanding about being obligated to join the military, students don’t realize the opportunities/benefits they are missing out on to be able to accomplish their future goals.
“ Lot’s of benefits, it teaches you leadership, confidence, and builds teamwork. Once you leave High school, you will receive higher positions, if you join the military, if not you will still accomplish many things that others don’t accomplish until their first or two years of their job market” explained COL. Rivers.
“ First they gain an education and knowledge about the military, what it takes to be in the military, the fundamentals, but if they don’t join the military and decide to go to college, they can join the ROTC program, as well as earn scholarships” explained First Sergeant Walker.
If you do decide to join the military, with this program, as stated you will be able to become an E3. The difference between private First class (E3) and just a private one is you’ll get a higher pay with more responsibilities, due to having more experience. You can also get a degree and be in the military with the ROTC program. As well as the military will be paying for your tuition while you are still in school. Tuition Assistance pays for up to 100 percent of the cost of tuition or expenses, up to a maximum of $250 per credit and a personal maximum of $4,500 per fiscal year per student. This program is the same for full-time members in all Military Services.
“ JROTC leads you into a certain leadership and responsibility. We also have certain programs and opportunities to join other government agencies as interns. Since they are always looking for JROTC cadets for training programs over the summer and internships“ explained COl. Rivers. “The NSA , NASA, number of security companies that work for the government, which can give a possible permanent placement after graduation”

This program doesn’t only just help cadets to find their post-secondary career, it also provides a variety of clubs students are able to join and improve different skill sets. Which include : Raiders, Robotics , Color Guard and soon to start Archery.
“The different clubs are for different things, Raiders focus on teamwork and physical fitness, Color guard we focus on procession and teamwork, robotics it’s about different types of scientific issues, Once we start Archery that will be focused on teamwork and procession” specified, COL. Rivers.
Two formal cadets, Cyril Ekokwe and Luz Gaytan have given an input on how JROTC impacted their lives.
“I was offered a scholarship to Bowie State University, thanks to JROTC, which I will be majoring in Computer Science” stated Ekokwe. “ I do plan to become a military police upon graduation because I believe serving people is God’s will.”
“ Absolutely, I think JROTC gave a really great look for my application that made me stand out, for Maryland University. ” explained Gaytan. “I learn a lot of skills from JROTC that has given me the ability to use this in my everyday life, especially since I’m seeking a bachelors of science in Accounting and Business. Colonel Rivers actually gave me a recommendation letter, and I still have great friendships and bonds from people I have met in JROTC.
Gaytan has explained that she does not want to join the military nor plans to in the future. They both express gratitude to JROTC and our instructors for helping them pursue their goals.
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