The ID-requirement debate continues in new school year

The ID-requirement debate continues in new school year

Student and teacher identification cards are directly linked to the safety of schools. They help teachers and administrators identify those who should and shouldn’t be in the school in order to create a safer environment for students and teachers alike.

However, recently Parkdale has been implementing reinforcements to ensure students are wearing their IDs around their neck at all times, which has not been received very well by the students. 

Some of the reinforcements are as follows:

  • Students have been prohibited from receiving lunch or being able to board their bus if they do not have their identification card.
  • Classroom checks have been done to ensure students have their IDs on at all times during the day.
  • If their ID is not around their neck in the mornings, students have not been allowed to enter the school. 

Coupled with all the rules on hoods, hats and crocks, some students are starting to get tired of all the dress code rules. 

“Identification plays a significant role in our daily lives,” said junior Sidney Steele. “But implementing rules such as not being allowed in school without it around our necks or not eating because of one is highly unacceptable.  The fact that a child isn’t allowed to eat if they don’t have an ID is ridiculous. We are going through a continuing pandemic and Prince George’s County specifically mandated that the ‘unique’ food become free to all PGCPS students. ” 

While most students seem to agree that IDs are indeed important, the main issue lies within the ways that IDs have been enforced.

According to a survey sent out to a total of 40 freshmen and sophomores at Parkdale, 79.5 percent believe that IDs are important and 79.5 percent agree with the policies that the school has implemented to an extent. Despite this, only 23.1 percent of students said that they wear their IDs for the entire day. 

So the question is, are the ways school is enforcing IDs efficient? Students understand the importance of IDs, yet the issue with IDs has yet to be resolved. Students are still showing up without their IDs and taking them off whenever they please. 

“I think the way they enforce it is wrong,” said a Parkdale teacher who wished to remain anonymous.  “When I was in highschool we had to wear our IDs everyday, but it wasn’t checked like that. They checked it first period and if you didn’t have your ID first period, you had to go get a temporary ID.” 

Some students even feel that some of the enforcements– like being denied entry into the school building– are too controlling.

“I think it is a good safety rule to determine you are a student in school,” said freshman María Mejia. “But for many students, it is another example of the oppression and control students face in what they wear.” 

In the same poll, students indicated particular factors that would make them feel more motivated to wear their IDs. Seventy-five percent of the students stated that they would feel more motivated to wear their IDs if there were less rules on hoods, hats and crocks. 55 percent stated that if the way in which security communicated with students was nicer, then they would feel more motivated to wear their ID. 

“I think that IDs are important for safety, but the school should not harshly tell students to wear them,” says an anonymous student. “Instead of punishing those who don’t wear them, the school can reward students who do. This can motivate those students who don’t wear them to wear them.”

Some students seem to have suggestions on how to get everyone to wear their IDs, but as of now the school has not shown any interest in listening to their ideas.